Escuchar [Sonidos visuales] 2018

Escuchar [Sonidos visuales] 2018

AC/E is supporting participation by the acknowledged Spanish artists Juan Antonio Nieto and Javier Piñango, covering their travelling expenses through PICE Mobility grants. They will be performing their experimental music concert “Afterglow”, coinciding with the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Experimental Music cycles organised by the Buenos Aires Modern Art Museum.

The “Escuchar” [Visual Sounds] season brings together a balance of sound, musical and audiovisual experimentation, research, promotion and vindication. The artistic proposals range from a search for the most radical, to other approaches more similar to the pop-rock culture, from an innovative perspective, linked to the use of electronic and digital technologies.
The concert by Nieto and Piñango is part of the fourth and final block on the 2018 programme.

Saturday 17, 20 hs: Juan Antonio Nieto & Javier Piñango (Spain) present Afterglow 

#EscucharCLUB, #EscucharMINI y #PostEscuchar



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